What are the benefits of the
Use of the S-Press early in a person’s rehabilitation will enable a reduction in the destructive muscle de-conditioning that can occur when someone is admitted to hospital, accelerate physical recovery, and shorten length of stay
One-On-One CoCachingC
Progressive resistance exercise for even the frailest of individuals
Simple progressive resistance exercise (PRE) is known to increase muscle strength in even the frailest individuals and researchers suggest that PRE should be used more in hospitals to prevent deconditioning and improve outcomes.
The S-Press is an NHS tested and approved, in bed, targated leg strengthening device.
3 - 29kg of therapeutic level resistance across 6 easily changeable levels.
Targeting the quadriceps with use in one direction, rotate the device to target the hamstrings specifically - gym equivalent leg press and hamstring curl devices in one unit.
Can be used on the bed or in a chair or wheelchair.
Inclusive and accessible to all patients in need of leg strengthening as part of their physiotherapy programme.
Safe, effective, inclusive design.
Patient centred design following patient and public involvement, clinical focus groups. and tested on NHS wards, with multiple and diverse conditions treated.
Class 1 medical device