Welcome to JT Rehab


The must have for your physiotherapy tool box

Do you want to help your patients recover their baseline leg strength quicker and earlier?

Are you frustrated by the lack of effective, inclusive, leg strengthening equipment available?

Do you want your patients to have better outcomes and shorter length of hospital stay?

Then read on!

The S-Press is a portable, therapeutic level, progressive resistance, leg strengthening device.

Enabling improved outcomes for even the most frail and vulnerable patients.

Invented by a physiotherapist to enable safe, effective, targeted leg strengthening for any patient, from their bed or chair, much earlier in their rehab pathway.

Bringing the gym directly to all your patients

Do you recognise these challenges for successful rehabilitation?

  • Complex patients
  • Multiple co-morbities
  • Slow physical recovery
  • Deconditioning
  • Frailty
  • Pain
  • Falls anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Patient apathy and lack of motivation
  • Unstable medical condition - BP, heart rate etc
  • Lines, tubes, catheters
  • Pressure sores
  • Staffing levels
  • Lack of appropriate and effective equipment - expensive, heavy, non-compliant with NHS safety policy, lacking effectiveness or inclusivity.
  • 1 in 6 patients

    Face delayed discharges, that's 1.4 million patients

  • 22%

    of delays are caused by slow physical recovery and patients needing more time / rehab

  • £820 million

    is the cost of delayed discharges to the NHS
Working with experts to break the status quo
The first of it's kind

The rehabilitation tool that you and your patients need.

The S-Press was invented by a physiotherapist, so that she and her colleagues worldwide could give those patients most at risk of a poor outcome the opportunity of a good outcome and their best quality of life.


Portable, safe and easy to set up

Weighing just 7.35kg, the S-Press is portable and easy to store so you can use it anywhere, anytime. You will not hurt your back manoeuvring the S-Press between patients or setting it up, like some other rehab equipment.


NHS compliant - Tissue viability and infection control

Specifically designed with ZERO pressure on heel area and padded leg rests for compliance with tissue viability policy. Fully enclosed for fast, effective and easy cleaning to ensure infection control compliance.


Concentric and eccentric loading - full leg strengthening - essential for sit to stand action

EMG testing has shown that the quadriceps, glutes, gastrocnemius (calf) and hamstring muscles in the leg are strengthened therapeutically and effectively.
Jennifer Turner

Hi, I'm Jen

25+ years experience in hospital in-patient and community physiotherapy

I designed the S-Press because I was so frustrated by the lack of effective leg strengthening equipment available to help my patients. I tried to find something to buy, but nothing was safe enough or suitable for the NHS so I designed what was needed myself.  

I needed something that would help my most complex  patients early in their rehab journey. To prevent  deconditioning of these patients who were really struggling with their rehab. I wanted to quickly and easily build up their baseline leg strength, so needed a better tool than we had. I needed to specifically target the leg muscles involved with sit to stand, transfers and walking, the key elements needed for safe discharge home.

The result is the S- PRESS


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"I truly believe, as Rob did, that it was the S-Press that enabled Rob to walk again. I would ask that every patient with a condition like Rob should have access to an S-Press"

Judy - Wife of S-Press user Rob
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“‘I felt happy. I could build up my muscles and get home.  It was something that could really help me get home quicker.’

Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS patient

“I can see the potential to empower the patient, their family and other staff groups to assist in rehabilitation delivery whilst enabling greater autonomy of exercise outside of structured rehabilitation sessions.”

Intensive care physiotherapy lead
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“It could also help me to reach the gold standard of service that I personally and my directorate/trust strive to achieve by increasing the amount of times patients receive therapy and  ultimately provide better outcomes for patients.”

Older peoples rehab physio
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The science behind the S-press

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